Website for $99

Get your website designed just for $99

We design

Responsive Pages

Website99 is a digital unit of Dataveer Inc. We design websites for individuals, big & small companies, publications, Blogs, and  Retail Stores. We even help companies build their website, drive SEO, and create their entire information architecture.


Blog Designs

The Best Blog Designs for you. valuable blog content needs a user-friendly design.

SEO Strategy

Optimize your search engine presence for maximum results. Keyword and content strategy.


Information architecture

We make outstanding and new branding websites for your business and offers basic factual info.

Content Strategy

Organize everything. Maximize your content Planning. Design a product page with definition and structure.

Product Reviews

Customer Journey Analysis.. Keyword strategy and content strategy.  Auditing and Competitive Analysis.

Creative Design

We make outstanding and new branding websites for your business and user-friendly design.


Active Clients

Written Blogs

Training Classes

Make Your website a Priority.

we certainly will.

Make Your Website Work Everywhere

Create Fully Connected Systems So You Can Focus On Your Business. My templates are the most beautiful way to present your ideas online.  Make your website unique with customizable settings. A common theme: branding empowers companies, and shapes consumer behavior, globally.  

My website templates are the most beautiful that’s devoted to design of all kinds. The site includes articles about package design, pictures of outstanding designs, lists of events, jobs, awards in the field and much, much more. 

Increase Conversion Rates

Improve conversions for your blog: Improve Your Content’s Readability. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content. Customer Journey Analysis.. Keyword strategy and content strategy.  Auditing and Competitive Analysis.

Reduce Bounce Rate

 Bounce rate of a web page and bounce rate of a website.  Improve conversions for your blog: Improve Your Content’s Readability. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content.

Drive More Traffic

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet..

Turn your traffic into loyal customers and return visitors. Don’t miss out!